A dish by Markt 12
1 kg eel
100 g spinach
100 g of saddle
50 g tarragon
50 g chervil
1/2 l of white wine
1 l fish perfume
Lemon juice
100 g chopped onion
50 g of butter
50 g flour
The eel is cut diagonally into pieces of 3 to 4 cm. Season well with pepper and salt. Let the eel and the chopped onion sweat in the butter. Addition of the white wine and visfumet, as well as a little lemon juice. If the eel is sufficiently cooked, remove. Tie the broth with a little white roux (butter and flour). Then adding the chopped herbs and vegetables. Season and add a little lemon juice. Simmer all of this with the eel and serve
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